Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nha Trang - 25th November – 3rd December 2009

After Hoi An we went on the sleeper bus to Nha Trang. The first sleeper bus (from Hanoi to Hue) was great craic: we had beers and (more importantly) a TOILET!! Those of you who know Liam know that when he even thinks of liquid he needs to know there are facilities nearby…..ssssssssooooooooooooo…..think of the trauma to get on this next sleeper bus to have a toilet with ‘No Working’ on the door!!! Thankfully we hadn’t been drinking alcohol that day but even I (the machine!) fell pray to the constant niggle of subconscious…there wasn’t much sleep going to happen. To be fair they did stop the bus from time to time (every 4 hours!) but it’s not the same. To make things worse Liam had to swap beds with me as one of the relief drivers was sleeping on the floor beside him and kicking his nearly cured infected leg – yikes! We did hear tell from another traveler who had a driver next to him on the floor but it got more intimate….spooning anyone?! The whole journey down was awful – it really felt like the driver was driving on a pothole riddled dirt track and consistently driving over ramps….thud, thud, thud.

Wonderful, wonderful Nha Trang! We arrived at 6am and although I’d read that most places are early to bed, early to rise and that most workers go to whatever beach for their pre-work swim and avoid the daytime sun I couldn’t BELIEVE the amount of activity along the shore (6km stretch that the city’s built next to). There was swimming, tai chi, badminton and all sorts….needless to say we didn’t see that again during our stay!! The beach is really well kept and there are a couple of bars where you can hire comfortable cushioned loungers during the day to while away hours watching the fabulous waves crashing against the shore.

Our room was lovely – with TWO double beds for some reason- but in this place even though we stayed within budget it was a bit harder to find lower priced caffs. There’s always street food which is guaranteed to be cheap but when you want to sit down (and not hover inches above the ground in a nursery school chair!) it was nigh on impossible to find the lower end places. We did however have some fantastic food here….i was particularly adventurous one night and had THREE soft shell blue crabs…..I’m talking back, legs, head (do they have one?) and all! To be fair if you batter and deep fry anything I’m sure it tastes good! We did find a great place for cheap beers…although as cheap as Hoi An it was the same price but for half pints. It’s pretty hard to imagine but we were in some state after spending just over 3 GBP!!

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